
Friday, September 13, 2013

Immigration Update

To My Darling Husband,

Our journey to bring you to, keep you in and allow you to work in America has been arduous, at best. Sadly, we are still no where near the finish line as this is a marathon rather than a sprint. However, receiving the news that you were approved for a legal American Green Card which provides you permanent resident status feels like a sweet victory.  It's one more step completed on this long journey toward our future.  I want to say thank you for being willing to sacrifice so much in order build a life with me here in America. I realize that it wasn't exactly your dream to fall in love with a woman with such a complicated medical condition; but, I know our hearts left us no choice. I know that neither of us expected the process to be this long difficult and we had no idea it would be so long before you could get a regular job. Yet, you were willing to do whatever work you could find to help provide and for that I truly thank you. I know that working through a temp agency has been challenging for you but you've managed to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart which is why it's so easy to love you. Even though this process has given us some amazing highs and some terrible lows, you have been a reassuring presence reminding me that this would happen in God's time and not ours. You've reminded me to just say my prayers and that it will all work out. Within the next few weeks you will have a new Green Card in your wallet, a new driver's license, a functional social security card and a new job. Then, we can move onto the next phase of the plan. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am looking forward to building our future together. Thank you so much for being mine. You make me laugh, you drive me crazy, you take care of me and most of all you love me. No, we're not the perfect couple but we always manage to work through our difficulties. We never seem to get angry or emotional at the same time, so at least one of us always has a calm disposition. You do a pretty amazing imitation of me when I'm angry! LOL! Thank you for being willing to learn how to change oil in the car, mow the grass, take care of me and everything else that you do. I am blessed beyond belief by the life we have and the amount of love you show me everyday! I look forward to the next part of the journey and I am grateful to share it with you! 

Below is our timeline of events just so everyone can see what a process this has been for us. The American immigration process is slow, difficult and expensive. We have prepared two different packets of multiple forms; one for Boyet's American Visa and the other to apply for Permanent Residence (Green Card). While he did have an interview at the American Consulate in Qatar we have managed to escape the stereotypical interview process that one sees in the movies.  

Met playing Facebook poker - 06-??-2010
Met face to face in the Philippines - 05-04-2011
Petioned for American Visa - 09-??-2011
Notice of Action (Receipt) - 09-13-2011
Notice of Action 2 - 02-14-2012
Received by National Visa Center - 03-02-2012
Second trip to Philippines - 03-08-2012
Received by American Consulate in Qatar - 03-10-2012
Interview at Consulate - 07-01-2012
Received Visa - 07-03-2012
Arrived in America - 07-19-2012
Married - 08-03-2012
Filed for Permanent Residence - 10-23-2012
Notice of Action - 10-25-2012
Biometric Appointment - 11-27-2012 
Immunization Appointment - 08-30-2013
Approved for Green Card - 09-11-2013
Received Green Card - 
New Social Security card - 
Renew Green Card - ??-??-2015

We want to say a great big thank you to our Filipino family. Without our four sisters this journey wouldn't have been possible. Joy, Julie, Juvy and Jenny there simply isn't a way to 'Salamat Po' or 'Thank You.' It's because of you that we are able to build a future together. We send all our love to you and Mama. You've made Brendon and I part of your family and you've made the Philippines our home too. To our girls, we send so much love. Our hearts break that it's been so long since we've seen you. We never expected it to be this way. We are so sorry and all we want to do is hug you! To their Mother, we know it's been hard and for that we apologize. Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate it and what you do for us and the girls. To the rest of the Enayo clan in the Philippines and scattered about the globe, we send our love and our blessings. We miss you all so much that our hearts ache.

We also want to thank our American Family. Sis you've opened your home and your heart to accept this crazy guy as part of the family. To Mom, Dad, Brendon and my nieces we give our love and thanks. We're a small family and we may not be perfect; but, at the end of the day there's a love and comfort that exists that can't be found anywhere else.

We need to send a huge word of thanks to all of our friends. There are so many of you that have been praying for us and wishing us well on our journey. Robyn and Adrienne, I know you'd love to be here to celebrate with us but I know you're here in spirit. Danica and Jeremy, we are so thankful that we were with you when we heard this good news. It was so special to be in such a place of love. Michele & Darren and Opie & Diane, we always love our group get togethers and I know that all of you have kept us in your prayers. Keep them coming because we're not done yet. There are several of my co-workers that have held my hand on this journey, thank you!

To our friends in Qatar, we want to send big hugs and lots of love. Rey & Felisa, the gang from the Butcher Shop and Grill and let's not forget the roommates, we know you've been cheering us on from afar. Y'all were the ones that had to put up with hours and hours of him sitting in front of the computer to chat with me. Thank you for your patience. He misses you and sends his best.

To my blog readers and other friends scattered about the planet, thank you for your love and support. We feel the love you send us. So many thought I WE were crazy. Everyone was a bit suspicious that Boyet was just looking for a green card. After all, who meets some random person that we met playing Zynga's Texas Hold'em Poker on Facebook and flies halfway around the world to meet this stranger. However, once everyone met him in person and saw us together it all became clear. We're in love, we're happy and we're glad to have each other. We never expected to fall in love and to be able to make a life together; but, we did. We are blessed beyond measure and rich beyond belief. We have so much and so many to be thankful for.

We are so happy that the wheels are moving and we are one step closer to our goals. Life is truly amazing and God is really good.

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