
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time Warp!

So I’ve just gotten back from Ft Worth, Texas.  Brendon, his friends Erik and Mary, and I went down there  to go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show with the shadow cast of Los Bastardos. We had such a great time! We left at around 10am on Saturday and got down to the DFW area too early to check into our hotel.  So we took a little side trip to the Grapevine Mills Mall, where we went to GameWorks, a huge arcade and had a blast!!! 102_2665Mary, Erik and Brendon preparing to play Dance Dance Revolution. All three of them had so much fun and thorough enjoyed themselves.  There are no pictures of me on this machine as I do not dance on machines while others are watching!! We all rode this one “game” which is two stories tall and as you play your chair goes up or down based upon game play. We laughed so hard and squealed as the chairs dropped.
Us two girls left the boys to play games and we went shopping. Grapevine Mills Mall is sooooo huge and we had such a great time wandering through stores and just chatting about life.
After a spending several hours at the mall we made our way over to the hotel, after receiving some GPS assistance from my phone. The DFW metro can be so crazy and if you make one wrong turn you can end up someplace you never wanted to be, QUICKLY! When we got to the hotel all four of us were ready to kick back and relax for a few. So we ordered in Pizza and Pasta from Pizza Hut and played a Steve Jackson card game called Munchkin. I think Mary and I were mostly lost during the game. The only think I really know is that Erik is a ruthless player, but Karma took a little piece of his Tushy because he LOST!!! HA!!!
We got ready and left for the Rocky Horror Picture Show around 11pm for the midnight showing at the Ridgmar Movie Tavern. 102_2675
As we waited in line for the movie we met these two hysterical guys, Michael and Liam. Now Michael is a big, beautiful, black man and Liam is an adorable, little Irishman with amazing long red hair.  What an interesting pair!!! They fit quite nicely into our group and asked to join us for the movie.
Now for those that don’t really know much about the movie or the plot, the Rocky Horror Picture Show is more of an experience rather than just a movie. It began in London as a play in 1973. It grew into a movie and then into an amazing cult classic. One does not go to Rocky to watch a movie, you go to throw things or yell things at the screen, or to watch the shadow cast act out the movie in front of the screen. It’s all about audience participation and just having a great time. During the movie water guns are shot into the air, toilet paper is tossed about the theater. cards are flung with gusto, and everyone dances in the aisles! Of course, the movie is totally inappropriate but when taken with a grain of salt and in the best of attitudes it can completely be an exhilarating experience.
I began going to see Rocky as a teenager when I would spend the night with a girlfriend. Of course, my parents would never have allowed me to go to a midnight movie, especially one of this nature. But I am completely thrilled to be able to share this experience with my son. For me it’s just part of experiencing the fun in life and learning to just live beyond the “rules” just for a couple of hours. Sure I shouted some things that a son should never hear come out of a “proper” mother’s mouth. But lets face it, I’ve never been one to be “proper” or to act as expected. We all joined in the yelling, dancing, throwing and being inappropriate; and we all had such a great time! We laughed so hard that I think we all ached the next morning! 102_2677
After the movie we sat in the parking lot talking with Michael and Liam and just being silly and enjoying life. We were eventually kicked out  of the parking lot and returned back to our hotel room around 3am relaxed and happy. The boys played game while Mary and I crashed! We awoke late the next morning and found our way into an IHOP. We enjoyed a full breakfast and shared tales about the movie the previous night. As we were checking out Brendon and I were being a bit silly and acted out one of the signature actions from the movie and one of the employees at IHOP immediately recognized it and asked if we had gone the previous night. This again spurred another round of how great the experience had been for all of us.
As we drove home we discussed what a wonderful weekend we had all had together and what a perfect group had gone.  We all admitted that we were taking a sense of relaxation with us that we hadn’t experienced in a long time. We then listened to several Stephen Lynch songs and the laughter started all over again.
and Mary!
for making this weekend so much fun for me. I am so blessed that my son has such good friends and such wonderful people in his life. Thank you for letting a such an old married woman go with you and to share this wonderful experience! You guys ROCK!

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