
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Enjoying the end of summer

Well, I got back home on Tuesday and I’m glad to be back home.  I’ve taken a couple of days to unwind from my trip, unpack and get myself centered again.

I bought my new retro pink Schwinn! I adore my new bike!

102_2690Look at how cute it is!! So we took it for a ride to Target and Office Max to pick up a few things. It’s probably 2 miles round trip so it’s not too far. Tomorrow we are hoping to go for a leisurely ride provided the weather cooperates. It was lightly raining on us for our trip to Target. Hopefully it won’t be raining and we can take a longer ride.

Miss Ginger is doing well. Her eye has healed and she’s back to her old self. She does get the occasional treat…..
102_2687Now this isn’t nearly as bad as it seems.  The ice cream bucket was completely empty she was just licking the sides and the bottom. But it was too cute to see our sweet puppy with her head shoved into the ice cream bucket!
It’s a happy time around my house; football has started. I wish I could say that this football season started out great for me…. unfortunately not! Sam Bradford suffered a shoulder injury and BYU beat the Sooners. Bummer.

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