
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Worried about the fuzzy kid

So we received a call from Ginger’s oncologist.  It seems that the Leukeran that she has been taking is pushing her platelet count too low.  So she is moving miss Ginger to IV vincristine every other week.  We are hoping that it at least will cost less.  Because we have heard that it shouldn’t make her sick or feel poorly.  So as long as she is not miserable then we will continue treatment for the lymphoma.
Last night we discovered this odd bump hanging from her right eyelid.  Now her left eye has a cataract and so her right eye is her good eye.  The big scratch on her right eye has completely healed but now here’s this odd bump.
Ok, it’s not that big but we can’t afford to have anything go wrong with this eye or else we’d be dealing with an 80 lb blind golden retriever.  The vet says this is a benign tumor common in dogs of her age. So here in a few weeks she will be having surgery.  She can’t have it right now because she has an infection on her tummy from being all itchy. 
This morning she threw up twice. Bless her soul, she tries so hard to make it outside but she can’t tell us that she is going to be sick. The vet gave her a shot to make her tummy feel better and I think it’s made her a bit sleepy because she came home got comfy and hasn’t moved.
Ginger 102 copySo other than dealing with a puppy that doesn’t feel good, nothing exciting has been going on.  I  have started organizing some paperwork that I will need during my year of travels. That’s about all the excitement that going on in my life.

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