
Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Resolute Beauty Blogger, February 2014

Welcome to my happy little blog where I like to talk about happy things, inspirational things and pretty things. Back in January I kicked off the Resolute Beauty Blogger series which is designed to keep participating bloggers focused on their resolutions or any other goals. This post will be an update on my resolutions. How did I fare in the month of January at keeping my resolutions? Six weeks into the new year have I already given up? Do I now just pretend that I never made these resolutions in the first place? Lets find out!

The update on my resolutions are:
  1. Participate in a swap with another blogger. - Hasn't happened yet and I don't have one in the works at this time.  
  2. To be a guest blogger on someone else's blog. - To be completely honest, I haven't yet pursued this as I have been quite busy with tags and collabs.  
  3. To have someone else guest post on my blog. - This is now in the works but not because I manufactured some scenario just to have people on blog. I was inspired the other day from which Men Wage War, What Do Women Do? was born. By the end of that post I realized I wanted to hear from others and immediately asked a few blogger friends to kick off a guest post series. 
  4. Create an innovative tag -  Well, I've definitely been working on this one! I have collaborated with Saffron Lallem of Saffy Style, Ashley Maria of Ashley Maria, Love, Life, Beauty  for the Beauty Love Affair tag. I have also created the Sunday Scores and Steals, weekly beauty coupon series, with Brittnee where we show you the great beauty bargains out there and how to get them. There is also another collaboration in the works which will occur on February 21.
  5. Shop my stash at least twice - Since I have just created the Sunday Scores and Steals weekly series, this won't happen in the next month or two. 
  6. Participate in another No Buy - I will do another No or Low Buy, maybe even two, this year. It just won't happen soon due to Sunday Scores and Steals
  7. Be approached by beauty companies to review their product - I am pleased to say that I was thrilled to be noticed by Steamcream and to be offered the opportunity to review their cream, which I love! Stay tuned for some exciting Steamcream news coming soon. I am also in talks with a few other companies as well. 
  8. Begin making YouTube videos. - Haven't even thought about tackling this one yet. 
  9. Publish at least 1 makeup look a month. - Failed! I didn't get one look posted in the month of January. Must focus on this more! 
  10. Learn to utilize ToDoist app to the fullest. - I have been great about keeping a ToDo list on on this app. I go into more details about the ToDoist app below.
  11. Review at least 4 products a month. - I didn't quite make it to 4 last month but I am on target to make it happen in February. 
  12. Publish at least 2 product duels a month. - I did 2 in January and I am on target for February. 
  13. Utilize my Facebook blog page more. - I really need to get better about this!! 
  14. Explore other social media sites. - I need to get on this right now. 
  15. Incorporate more positive tips into my blog. - I have created a new tab "Inspire" to easy find my more inspirational and motivational posts. I have created a 'Redefining True Beauty' series which will soon host guest bloggers. 
  16. I will include a beauty or self confidence quote on my blog each week. - I am not yet consistent with this one. I am working on getting better about this one. 

What tools have been helpful at keeping you on track? I have been making great effort to avoid keeping paper notes. While I love putting pen to paper I now reserve that for special treat for my journal. I have discovered that if I remember to write something on a sticky note then I forget to put the sticky note where I can find it later. While I truly appreciate having a beautiful organizer and being able to use bright colored pens; but it's one more thing that I need to lug around. So back in December I found the ToDoist app. I instantly loved the app and purchased the yearly subscription. The nice thing is that there is a distinction between a task and a project. Projects typically have several tasks to complete. You can add tasks to projects or you can add tasks without being in a project. You can even save a project including all its tasks so that if you do that type of project frequently you do not have to continually add the same tasks. You can also set up recurring tasks and you can color code things to your liking. I find that I truly enjoy working with this app; I check it from my phone before I get out of bed. I like being able to check my to do list from my phone, my tablet and my computer. Having a chronic illness means that frequently I have to put off doing some things because I just don't have the energy to get them done. Having a list of things to do easily available helps me decide what can wait and what I really need to push myself to finish. It works well to keep me balanced, sane and productive.

It feels really good to come back and visit my resolutions. I know there are some things I need to continue to focus on. So this is an amazing reminder of what I really hope to bring to my blog. There no sense of guilt at looking at this list, only a renewed sense of determination. So I ask you, now that we are six weeks into the new year, how are your resolutions faring?

The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can't let yourself be because of lack of effort. ~Michael Jordan

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