
Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Resolute Beauty Blogger

Welcome. Back in January El from The Beauty Isle and I kicked off the Resolute Beauty Blogger series which is designed to keep participating bloggers focused on their resolutions or any other goals. This post will be an update on my resolutions. How did I fare this past month at keeping my resolutions? Ten weeks into the new year have I already given up? Do I now just pretend that I never made these resolutions in the first place? Lets find out!

The update on my resolutions are:
  1. Participate in a swap with another blogger. - Hasn't happened yet and I don't have one in the works at this time.  
  2. To be a guest blogger on someone else's blog. - To be completely honest, I haven't yet pursued this as I have been quite busy with tags and collabs.  Plus, my mom's extended hospitalization hasn't helped.
  3. To have someone else guest post on my blog. - This is now in the works but not because I manufactured some scenario just to have people on blog. I was inspired the other day from which Men Wage War, What Do Women Do? was born. By the end of that post I realized I wanted to hear from others and immediately asked a few blogger friends to kick off a guest post series. I have spoken with a few bloggers but Mom's surgery has placed that on hold.
  4. Create an innovative tag -  Well, I've definitely been working on this one! I have collaborated with Saffron Lallem of Saffy Style, Ashley Maria of Ashley Maria, Love, Life, Beauty  for the Beauty Love Affair tag. I have also created the Sunday Scores and Steals, weekly beauty coupon series, with Brittnee where we show you the great beauty bargains out there and how to get them. I will contine to work on creating tags. 
  5. Shop my stash at least twice - Since I have just created the Sunday Scores and Steals weekly series and am currently hanging out in the hospital this has not happened as of yet.. 
  6. Participate in another No Buy - I will do another No or Low Buy, maybe even two, this year. It just won't happen soon due to Sunday Scores and Steals
  7. Be approached by beauty companies to review their product - I have had the opportunity to work with several great companies and I have a few more reviews coming as well. I am quite delighted with my progress in this area. 
  8. Begin making YouTube videos. - Haven't even thought about tackling this one yet. 
  9. Publish at least 1 makeup look a month. - Failed! I didn't get one look posted in the month of January or in the month of February. Must focus on this more! 
  10. Learn to utilize ToDoist app to the fullest. - I have been great about keeping a ToDo list on on this app. I go into more details about the ToDoist app below. I have also found a great way to keep my calendar synced with my phone and my tablet so that I can see my to do list and my planning calender anytime. 
  11. Review at least 4 products a month. - I just made 4 and I am on track to make it for March as well! 
  12. Publish at least 2 product duels a month. - I did 2 in January and February. I need to work on this for March.
  13. Utilize my Facebook blog page more. - I really need to get better about this!! 
  14. Explore other social media sites. - I need to get on this right now. 
  15. Incorporate more positive tips into my blog. - I have created a new tab "Inspire" to easy find my more inspirational and motivational posts. I have created a 'Redefining True Beauty' series which will soon host guest bloggers. 
  16. I will include a beauty or self confidence quote on my blog each week. - I need to get consistent with this one. I am doing good but it's not happening for every post, so I need to focus on this more. 
Honestly, living in the hospital with Mom has really thrown me off my game. I have noticed that I am struggling to keep up with Instagram, Twitter and other forms of social media. It's just so hard to focus clearly when I am spending so much time at the hospital. Mom update, she is off the ventilator and she is having physical therapy while in ICU. She has had a swallow test and she is not quite ready to swallow food but she is doing very well. 

Overall, I am pleased with my progress even with the setback of being in the hospital. I love that ToDoist and aCalendar sync with each other so that my phone can give reminders and updates. Those two things working together really help me stay on track with what I need to do and what I want to do. I love that I can keep ideas written down so that I don't have to worry about remembering them. 

So how are you faring with your resolutions? Are you staying on track? Are you staying focused? I really love posting my update every month as it's a great way to stay in touch with the things that I feel are important to me and my blog.

Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not. ~Samuel L. Jackson

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