
Friday, January 22, 2010

Casing the pillow?……….

Since I have so many problems sleeping I travel with my own pillow.  We even recently bought me a new pillow so that I would have a fresh, fluffy new one.  But we had only bought a plain white pillow case for it. This quickly became a problem!! I almost left it in a hotel room twice and then the inevitable happened…..I actually left it in a hotel room.  It was easy to do since it had a white pillowcase like the other hotel pillows.  So I bought a new pillow again and since then I have been on the prowl for a new pillowcase. I was hoping to find a brightly colored one so that it would be easily seen.  Well, this search has been fruitless.  So yesterday when Mom and I went to Joann’s I found the most adorable fabric and I made two very bright cases for my new pillow. 
I have a great pattern for making pillow cases.  It’s super easy and really quick.  As long as you can sew in a straight line you can make this pillow case.  It makes a great gift for kids and teens!  One year for Christmas I made pillow cases and matching pjs for my nieces.
Standard pillowcase: 26” (3/4 yd) x 42” (width of fabric).
King pillowcase: 36” (1 yd) x 42”
Plus 9” (1/4 yd) x 42”
After cutting fabric, roll up the larger of the two fabrics leaving an 1”-2” for sewing. I like to pin each edge (edges only!) to hold the roll in place.
Place the roll on the right side of the coordinating fabric, lining up the cut edges.
Roll the coordinating fabric around the roll and line up all three edges. Think about the roll being a wiener and the coordinating fabric being the bun.  Pin to hold together, if desired. 
Sew down the length of the fabric.  Remove pins from each edge of the roll.   Turn the entire thing inside out…or rather right side out.

Sew the side and the bottom closed and PRESTO pillowcase done! I prefer using a french seam so that there are no raw edges.
I don’t think I am in any danger of either of these pillowcases being accidently left on a hotel bed because they blend in with the white pillow!!! It took about 30 minutes to make both pillowcases. They are also cheerful which is appreciated since I have so few creature comforts of my own home.

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