
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Celebrating Mom…………

Today is my Mom’s birthday! My Mom was raised in the sticks and oil slough’s of south central Arkansas.  Smackover is a small oil boom town that still boasts only 1 stoplight which stands in the middle of the   intersection.  Unfortunately, my Mom experienced a devastating fire her Senior year in high school and lost most of the photos of her as a child.   Right after high school my Mom married my Dad, even though they had only known each other for about six months.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force when they married and Mom immediately moved from Arkansas to Wichita Falls, Texas.
Nine months after marrying Dad along came my sister.  Four years later along came me!! Now this has been the biggest challenge, er, I should say I am the biggest challenge of my Mom’s life.
As you can see by this picture, I was quite a handful when things weren’t going my way.  And they didn’t go my way frequently! 

My Mom and her Dad looking on in the background.  
My Mom was raised to be a quiet southern lady who never causes a ruckus.  But when she received her diagnosis of Breast Cancer I saw a side of her that I never knew existed.  I saw a fighting spirit in her that showed the world that she was completely capable of beating this nasty disease.   Just as she was finishing her chemo treatments she discovered she had to have open heart surgery, twice!!!
I saw my Mom transform from this quiet woman to this pillar of strength. It is because of my Mom that I am as comfortable as I am with my own illness.  She truly set the example of how to live gracefully with a sickness you can’t control. 
My Mom is an avid fisherWOman!! She can even outfish my father on most occaisions!!!
My Mom also loves watching wildlife.  Their backyard is a testament to her love of squirrels, birds and rabbits.  They both enjoy hours on their back porch watching nature.
I know that my Mom’s greatest blessing is her family (not sure if I qualify as a blessing but that’s my own fault!!! :) I am certain that her three grandkids and her lil great-granddaughter are the greatest joy in her life. 

Happy Happy Birthday Mom!! I love you great big bunches. Thank you so much for being my Mom and such a great example for me.  I truly appreciate all that you’ve done for me and all the family!!!

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