
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Aena's 8th Birthday

you Arnold and I were so blessed to be able to celebrate Aena's 8th birthday with her.  We thoroughly enjoyed having the family over for a big birthday celebration.  Arnold has such a warm family that loves to spend time together.  I am truly blessed to be able to call them my family too.

Nica helping Aena get ready for her party.

Miss Bianca ready to celebrate!

Aeona deep in thought.

Aena, such a beautiful birthday girl!

Playing Uno while waiting for the party to begin.

Time to eat!

Xennon has his plate!

Bianca and big sister Bea. 

Britzy hiding with her Mom Juvy. 

Missy and Aena

EJ, Brian and GK doing such a great job of helping out with the dishes, Thanks guys!

Myself, the happy birthday girl Aena, Arnold and Aeona.

Proud Dad, Arnold, with his beautiful daughter Aena.

Aena with her new digital camera.

A beautiful new dress for the birthday girl.

Such a happy day and such a happy face.

Bianca, Bea, Aeona, and Zaira.

The heart and soul of my trip, Aena, Arnold and Aeona.

Aena blowing out the candles on her Disney Princess cake.

Arnold sharing a piece of cake with his Mom.

This is not what she had in mind! She has such beautiful spirit, she just laughed about it!

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