
Monday, May 30, 2011

Leaving pieces of my heart

One of Aena's birthday presents was a Dora dry erase board.  While Arnold and I were busy cleaning up after the party, Aena was busy drawing on her new board.  When we arrived back at the house, I discovered Aena's drawing hanging on the door of our room.  It instantly brought tears to my eyes.

She considers me, with my crazy curly hair, part of her family.  Even now as I write this the tears fall from my eyes.  In part, because I am so blessed and honored to receive the love she so freely gives and, in part, because I miss her and Aeona so very much.  Those beautiful faces, those sweet little voices became part of my daily life and now there is this big void that only they can fill.  I am the luckiest woman in the world to have their love and the love of their father. 

It was heartbreaking to leave them at 3am to catch my flight back to the states.  Not a day goes by without thinking about them.  They are such a blessing in my life.  I never expected to have more children.  I was always content with having just my one son.  But they have changed everything for me.  Falling in love with their father has changed everything in my life.  My world is so much bigger, my love is so much deeper and I am so much happier than I ever knew.  Until we can all be together again, I will keep them in my thoughts and in my prayers.  Aeona and Aena, I love you so very much.  Thank you for letting me into your hearts.

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