
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Family Fun

Dad Arnold being silly with Aeona.

Miss Kianne's eyes are soooooo expressive!

Bianca, Bea, Aeona and Kianne.  Such beautiful, precious faces!

Peace! Miss Bea.

Aeona with her Lola (grandma, Arnold's Mom)

My Filipino Favorites! Tanduay Ice and Arnold!

Such a sweet soul and beautiful smile, Miss Aena.

Arnold spent many hours in the kitchen taking good care to feed us well. 

This will always be one of my favorite photos! Miss Kianne looks so angelic in this photo. 

Leo studying his ice cream before eating it.

Cool man, AJ, just hanging out. 

The classic Kianne over-smile.  She smiles so big it makes her wrinkle her nose and squint her eyes. 

Aena, Lola and Aeona. The girls love their Lola so very much!

Kianne, Aeona, Aena and silly guy AJ! Everyone in this family has such wonderful, big personalities!

Kianne and Aeona enjoying a little video game time!

We spent many afternoons camped on the bed, playing video games, and watching videos.

Little monkey Aeona hanging on to big Daddy monkey, Arnold.

Aena says "Peace!"

Self portrait, by Aeona.

Mini-photographer, Aeona, catches Arnold, myself and herself in the cheval mirror. 

Another great picture of Arnold and I taken by one of the girls.

After posing sweetly for a picture it was time for "ATTACK TICKLES!"

See, the chameleon, Aeona, is changing her color and showing some of her personality in this picture with her Ate (big sister) Aena. 

Once again, the chameleon hides that fantastic personality of hers.

So quickly they stole my heart and gave it back overflowing with love and joy!

Such a sweet girl with a heart of gold. I admire you, Aena.

A beauty full of depth and character for such a young girl.  I adore you, Aeona. 

Such a crazy man, full of silliness.  I love you, Arnold.

Looking for tiny green men in the camera lens.

My boyfriend is puuurty!

"Oh My! Don't make me think about it!" says Miss Bea.

"Shhhhhh, you don't see me!" 

I put the rock on his finger!

Bea, Aeona and Aena on the tricycle. 

Hmmmmmm. You'll never guess what I'm thinking!

"When all else fails, just wear the pink shopping cart on your head!" according to Leo.

Leo thinks "The girls will love it when you chase them around wearing the cart on your head."
The rest of us know "Never trust a man wearing a cart on his head."

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