
Monday, May 16, 2011

Meeting the girls

Arnold has two beautiful daughters, Aena Kristine and Aeona Klaire.  I will admit that I had fallen in love with them before I even met them.  When I finally had the pleasure of meeting them, they filled my heart to overflowing. 

Aena crawling on Dad while Aeona sits on his lap. They are quite the little charmers, just like their Dad. 

Miss Aena has a heart as big as her smile.  She is such a wonderful big sister watching over Aeona. 

Arnold with Miss Aeona.  Her sister called her a chameleon because she is skilled at appearing to have a different persona as she sees fit.

Needless to say, I was a bit nervous about meeting them.  I wanted them to accept me in their own way.   I wanted them to come to me on their own terms and in their own time.  I didn't want to make them feel like I was intruding upon their lives.  Aena and I became friendly rather quickly while playing with a balloon leftover from Kianne's Christening celebration.  

Aeona was a bit standoffish.  She was sitting behind me on the sofa while Aena and I played with the balloon.  Soon, I felt her reach out and touch my curly hair.  I knew then, that even if it took awhile that she and I would find our own relationship. 

Such wonderful smiles as they enjoy spending time being silly together.

Aeona, such a sweet chameleon, giggling with Dad one minute but acting a bit reserved in front of the camera. 

Such a beautiful moment of Aeona with her Dad.

Miss Aena so happy, so eager to help, such a big, beautiful soul for such a little girl. 

Aeona singing the "Hairbrush Song" by Larry the cucumber (Veggie Tales).  However, she is singing into the speaker as if it were a microphone.  This image will always warm my heart with love and fill my eyes with tears. Such a precious memory of this amazing child.

Oh, how I love to cuddle up with these wonderful little beauties.  They reached the depths of my soul and stole my heart forever. 

Miss Aena, it will be a blessing to watch you grow into the woman you are destined to become.  You have such a sweet, pure heart.  You make this world a better place because of the way you care for others. 

Miss Aeona, such an amazing character for one so young.  Your smile is so bright and genuine that it fills my soul with laughter.  Always be true to yourself, while you charge through life blazing your own trail.   

This wonderful picture was taken by one of the girls.  Such a great picture for little hands. 

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