
Saturday, December 7, 2013

In a Hurry

Welcome back to my blog and back to another review. This time it's the In A Hurry Air Dry Top Coat. This polish came free from American Classics as a promotion for their new Instagram account. The review and the opinion are both my idea. We all know how I feel about Gelous and I also enjoy Bridge the Ridge Base Coat. Today we are going to talk about their In a Hurry Air Dry Top Coat

I expected this to be an oil that helps your polish dry quicker. I was wrong! This is a top coat which dries quickly. I am being honest when I say that it dries in a hurry. I was pleasantly pleased with how quickly this top coat dries. When I put this on I was expecting it to take a few minutes to dry but I can assure you it was dry to the touch within two minutes! If you are In a Hurry this is the top coat you want to use. It will dry quite quickly so that you can get back to the business of living your life. I am notorious for painting my nails before bed. It's silly I know but I still do it. It's not uncommon for me to wake up with blanket prints on my nails. I am VERY pleased to report that this has never happened to me with In a Hurry. I am completely sold. 

Usually I feel like a base coat is a base coat and a top coat is a top coat. I haven't found any that are significantly better than any others. I must say that this is the third product I have tried from American Classics and they all blow me away. The only fault I can find with this product is that once it dries it's not as shiny as Gelous. However, if you are pressed for time or don't need care if its super shiny, then this is the top coat for you. This is a must have for anyone who likes to quickly change their polish color. 

• We just had a 4.5 magnitude earthquake in the middle of Oklahoma. This is just weird!
• My ears have been hurting for days now due to cold front that has rolled in. It's making me lethargic and it's causing brain fog. I just can't think clearly.
• Since we got about 3" of snow we decided to spend the weekend at my Mom's again as she lives just a few miles from Boyet's work and we don't have to drive so far on bad streets.

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