
Thursday, April 4, 2013

What’s better than cheap? FREE!

**UPDATED: June 18, 2013**

You’ve probably figured out by now that I enjoy a bargain.  I truly enjoy clipping coupons and paying less than retail for products that I know I will enjoy.  In my search for the next best bargain I have discovered a few interesting websites. I thought I would take this opportunity to to pass along these websites to my readers. 

BzzAgent is an innovative “word of mouth’ website that allows their agents to try products for free in exchange for their honest feedback on the product.  They match their agents with manufacturers target demographics through simple surveys. When an agent fits the target demographic they are sent a product or coupon for a free product. After sampling the product the agent is asked to provide feedback via the BzzAgent website, Facebook, Twitter and other websites. You are not obligated to participate and can decline any campaign you are offered before they send the product to you.  So far, I have participated in four campaigns and received Garnier Olia Hair Color, Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer SystemAMDRO Powerflex Weed and Pest System and Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles free.
I have been an inactive member of Influenster for almost a year. Influenster claims to turn your social influence into rewards.  I am aware through youtube and blogs that Influenster does a great job of sending “Vox Boxes” to members that meet certain criteria.  The cool thing about Influenster is that it allows you to choose 5 areas of expertise which best suits your lifestyle. So the products you receive will be relevant to you and not some useless nonsense you have no use for.  So far, I have received the Spring Fling Vox Box and the Palmolive Vox Box.
Smiley360 is an interesting website that allows you to participate in missions which can include trying new products.  They encourage their members to share their opinions on all types of products even if you are not actively participating in a mission.  I am currently on the “I joined Smiley360” mission and the “Ready for Love” mission featuring a new television dating show.  I have received Advil Cold and Sinus and Emergen-C full size samples from Smiley360.  However, I will admit that I enjoy reading and writing product reviews, participating in Twitter parties and completing other activities as required.

I am thoroughly enjoying Crowdtap! If I never received anything from Crowdtap I would still participate. I love that Crowdtap allows to donate your points to charity in the form of a monetary donation. That alone is enough to bring me back time and again. I truly enjoy answering their ‘Quick Hits’ surveys.  I like that they also do webshare challenges, photo challenges, moderated discussions and so on.  There is always something interesting going on at Crowdtap.  I have yet to receive anything from Crowdtap but I have been selected to participate in the Woolite sample and share.  I should be receiving my samples and samples for my friends any day now.  I will post on my blog the results of the Woolite sample and share.

Vocalpoint is a wonderful community.  They have an amazing forum that really encourages sharing.  They have places to share stories, reviews, tips, recipes, photos and more. It’s a great community boasting a wealth of resources where people help people.  They do provide samples for product reviews and they also provide goodies for hosting parties.  I have not yet participated in a party or a product review but I enjoy the site anyway.  I think to myself I will just pop on and see if I have any new messages but end up spending an hour on the site. Any products I sample for free because of the site will be a bonus.

Swaggable is a newer website which is still in beta.  The concept is simple.  Sign up via Facebook. You tell .Swaggable which products you’d like to try.  They send you one of your desired products. You review the product and share your review via Facebook.  I have been selected to try an dry shampoo for dogs, hand lotion and 2 salad dressings. Once the product arrives you can find the reviews  at .Swaggable 

I have heard really good things about SheSpeaks and they have a great community.  They offer great forums, reviews, recipes, deals, offers and more. I have completed several reviews on their site because I enjoy reading and writing reviews.   I was selected to participate in the “Share, Love, Celebrate the Best of P&G'” Program.  Proctor and Gamble (P&G) encompasses some great brands as Olay, CoverGirl, Swiffer, Charmin, Tide, Cascade and many, many more.

Tomoson is a fantastic website that matches bloggers with products. Once you register you have access to see what products are searching for bloggers to review their products.  The requirements are clearly labeled so the guesswork is kept to a minimum.  Most of the products are from smaller manufacturers; so you aren’t going to find tons of mainstream products.  But they offer some interesting selections. To be completely honest, I haven’t yet applied to any of their promotions but it looks like they have interesting options once I am ready.

Is a little different from some of the other sites listed above. Sverve offers you an opportunity to monetize your blog.  You promote products via your blog and the manufacturer pays you based on new sales that were generated via your post.  I don’t blog to make money and I don’t have a large readership that would make it worth my while to try to monetize my audience. I have applied for one program which is centered around a smartphone app. I honestly believe the app could be useful and am genuinely interested in the app. I don’t know yet if I have been accepted. You know I’ll keep you informed!
I will admit that I am excited about this one! House Party matches party hosts with great products. As a host, I apply to the parties I find interesting. If selected I agree to host a party around their theme within their timeframe and will receive goodies to share with my party goers. I was just selected to host the Redbook + L’Oreal Paris Happy Hour House Party. They will provide me a party pack to give to my party attendees which will include Redbook Magazine and L’Oreal Miracle Blur.  I’m not gonna lie, I am really stoked for this! Girlfriends, magazine, makeup, drinks, snacks and gossip? Yep, I’m all over it!  I have also applied for a couple of other House Parties but those have not yet been announced.
This website is different than all the others. If you don’t know All You is the Wal-Mart magazine that boasts great articles and awesome coupons.  I subscribe to the magazine and I thoroughly enjoy everything about the magazine. There is a hidden treasure within the All You family, the daily free sample!  Which is available on their website. Once a day just pop over to find out what their free sample for the day is. If you are interested fill out your information and wait by your mail box. So far, I have received  Breathe Right strips, Nexcare bandages, Dove body wash, Godiva chocolates, perfume samples and more. 

Thanks for sticking with me thorough this very long post.  I thought it would be fun to let you guys in on the websites I have been enjoying lately. Remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  1. Thank Jessica. I just thought it would be fun to post the fun sites I belong to!


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