I began my coconut oil challenge tonight with a simple recipe for body wash. I had to wake at four this morning; therefore, something that required effort and forethought was just not possible this evening. However, the thought of having a drink and taking a long, hot bath seemed to be a perfect ending to a very long day. This three ingredient recipe required almost
no effort and was super quick!
1 Cup Castile Soap
2-3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil, melted
5-10 Drops of Essential Oil
Mix well.
I used Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap in Hemp and Tea Tree, along with Sweet Almond essential oil. Yes, that’s a coffee creamer container. Hey, the price was right and it has an awesome non-drip spout! I measured out the ingredients. Then popped the coconut oil into the microwave for about 30 seconds. I poured everything into the clean creamer jar and gave everything a really good shake. Without further hesitation and with drink in hand, I made my way to the bath!
First thing I noticed very quickly about this new body wash was the smell. There is something about castile soap that reminds me a oil. Now, true castile soap is made from olive oil; so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. However, I am not referring to that kind of oil. This is stronger, more pungent than olive oil. Oh yeah, petroleum. I’m not referring the stuff in the square jars you find at the drug store. I’m talking black gold, Texas Tea. There is just something about castile soap that reminds me of my Papaw after a long day of oil field work for Phillips 66. I have smelled several varieties and they all have that same familiar smell. No fresh coconut or almond scent here, sadly. I should have seen, er, smelled, this one coming. Oh well, pumping on.
I was hoping for a luxurious, rich rather that swathed my skin as I bathed. No such luck. I felt it lathered well enough to get me clean but it will never star in a commercial for an at home spa quality product.
Now, onto the good stuff. This was moisturizing. I mean truly hydrating; like I had just come from the spa. I was able to shave with this body wash and my legs felt so silky afterwards. Sometimes my legs tend to be a bit sensitive when it comes to shaving. I can’t use shaving cream or soap that is heavily perfumed. My legs were thanking me for using such a creamy, hydrating product while shaving. Typically, after a shower I slather myself in lotion. I did put on lotion after my bath; mostly, out of habit. I did find that I used much less
lotion than I normally would. Now, more than an hour later my skin feels nourished and so soft. I attribute this more to the coconut oil than anything else. After all, I had tried the castile soap when I first got it a few months ago and I don’t remember it being fantastically moisturizing.
Final verdict: C. Does this replace my usual body wash? No. I can’t get past the smell. Do I regret trying this recipe? No. Other than the smell I truly enjoyed the experience. I will finish what I have made because I enjoy everything except the smell but I won’t be making more. However, I can see myself ‘spiking’ my normal store bough body wash with coconut oil. I would be quite curious to see how that would turn out. Hmmmmmm, wheels are turning in my head. Can’t you hear them? They need to be oiled but I can figure out how to put the coconut oil in there.
We’re talking about: Gold Rush Alaska, a reality tv show about gold mining.
We’re praying about: Boyet’s immigration paperwork, it could be a couple more months :/
We’re laughing about: Boyet’s addiction to Words with Friends. He just started a game with my boss. Uh oh. This isn’t going to end well.
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