After finally leaving work (we were delayed by the snack machine servicewoman) Boyet and I decided to take a stroll around Bricktown. It’s a specific are within the Oklahoma City area. The temperature has dropped so it was a great evening to take Boyet out to explore his new home. Within Bricktown there is a monument to the Oklahoma Land Run. In 1889 there tracts of lands that were not assigned as Indian reservations. The government allowed these lands to be opened up for settlements at a specified date and time. Settlers lined up to claim tracts of land upon which they could create a homestead. These land runs shaped Oklahoma’s history and provided the provided an opport
unity for my family to settle in this area. We enjoyed all of the fantastic, larger than life sculptures depicting the scenes; and, surprise, Boyet received a history lesson while enjoying our evening out. The history and settlement of the state of Oklahoma is probably the most fascinating of all of the 50 states in the union. It really has shaped this area into a culturally diverse are lead by a adventurous soul and a resilient spirit. It’s the same desire to strength of character that Boyet needed in order to change everything he knew about life in order to
immigrate to America. Like all of those years ago, the desire for something different, something better, drives him forward toward the unknown. I am blessed that he was so willing to embrace this new life without having had the ability to experience it first. Now, I will admit that he no longer needs the horse; but he can still find plenty if he so desires. This weekend, I think we will going to cook up a good pot of beans and some cornbread, just like they did back then.
Love, thank you for being so willing to jump in with both feet without testing the water first. Thank you for reminding me that laughter can cure so many things. Thank you for reminding me that love is a miracle.
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